With the high level of volatility and disruption that is commonplace in today’s business environment, creating resiliency has become a must. What we’re seeing is that creating resiliency and an innovative culture go hand-in-hand. If we find a resilient team, they are also innovative, and if we find one that is fixed in nature, it is very unlikely to be resilient. Do you have an innovative culture?

Innovation is very misunderstood. It doesn’t require “new” in most cases.  It is rare to find something completely new unless you are in certain industries such as the pharmaceutical industry.  Even Apple didn’t create the original idea behind the iPod which has now been incorporated into the iPhone.  It actually came from the Sony Walkman (remember those?). At that time, no one knew they needed to walk around with music. We have come a long way, and Apple has made that easy!

Since the Innovation Awards at the Manufacturing Summit provide a good example of different areas of innovation, I thought it would be beneficial to list them below to spur thinking:

  • Innovation in Resource or Process Efficiency
  • Innovation in Product Development
  • Innovation in Human Capital and Talent
  • Innovation in Marketing
  • Innovation by Students

Take a quick look at the video as well which talks to the innovation awards.  Of course, these are just those recognized at the Manufacturing Summit currently (and we are always interested in feedback and ideas).  There are many more categories. Perhaps it will stimulate a few ideas though.

Innovation doesn’t have to be complicated and complex.  What unexpected successes have you had?  Can you find ideas in those?  I just returned from a global consulting strategy group meeting, and one of our members did exactly that to spur one of his companies forward from struggling with intense competition and no way to stand out from them to rapid and significantly more profitable growth.  I am confident that this same type of success can be found in almost every client. Are you looking?

We can help you with that. Contact us if you’d like to discuss further.