The Ontario Rotary Board asked Lisa Anderson to speak about the Resilient Supply Chain and how manufacturing, distribution and significant service operations could be successful in today’s Amazon-impacted environment. Lisa facilitated interactive discussion on the best strategies to create a resilient supply chain and how to address issues and roadblocks the attendees were experiencing. For example, attendees were having trouble maintaining high service levels and ramping up production quickly enough. Lisa talked through ideas for how to scale manufacturing operations, utilize temps and overtime, and standardize processes to create resiliency.

The Claremont Rotary Board also invited Lisa Anderson to speak about supply chain post COVID. Lisa talked about the global supply chain pre-COVID, the dependencies on China and on the global logistics systems running smoothly, and how that changed during the pandemic. Most importantly, Lisa also addressed the status of supply chain post COVID and what the most successful manufacturers and distributors were doing to ensure timely delivery for customers and an efficient supply chain. 

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