
Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

Business Value of Data Analysis & Predictive Analytics

In working across company sizes, industries, and geographies, in almost 20 years of business consulting, every single client without exception needed to better utilize data to improve customer service and bottom line results. Smart clients are turning data into insights so that they can pinpoint where to focus quickly.

Do You Need Software to be Successful with S&OP?

As clients become interested in S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning), also known as SIOP (Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning) to get in front of customer requirements while simultaneously increasing margins and profits, executives want to know if software is required to support S&OP success. Is Software Required to Support [...]

Cleansing, Connecting & Consolidating Data to Support SIOP / S&OP and a Superior Customer Experience

One issue of significant importance during the current volatile times that was also key during previous periods (aggressive growth prior to the pandemic, the downturn of the Great Recession, etc.) is the critical importance of providing a superior customer experience. It is evergreen for companies that want to grow [...]

Achieving Customer Growth by Turning Data Into Insights

Every client has an overload of data. Whether using a modern ERP system or struggling with a complex maze of manual spreadsheets, the one item in common is an abundance of data. We have worked with clients with archaic ERP systems, but so long as we can extract data, progress can be made.

Baking Business: Companies Get Strategic to Pull Ahead of Supply Chain Crunch

In this episode of Since Sliced Bread, Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, explains where the supply chain stands now, how it got this way and what she sees successful companies doing to get through the crisis.

Achieving Customer Loyalty with Modern ERP & Related Technologies

Every successful client is experiencing rapid growth and changing customer requirements. To support this growth in a scalable, profitable manner, a modern ERP system is not preferred; it is a base requirement. Why Has Modern ERP Become Essential Pre-COVID, although preferred, it was less essential in supporting significant improvement [...]

Thriving Post-Pandemic: Turning Data Into Insights

The pandemic has spurred on the need to work smarter, not harder. In our Brushware article, the Digital Transformation Fueled with Business Intelligence, we talk about the critical importance of making meaningful decisions with data. As discussed in the SIOP client success story, data was a key driver of SIOP results. The key was in understanding data, the sources of data, cleansing data [...]

The Digital Transformation Fueled with Business Intelligence

According to McKinsey surveys of global Supply Chain leaders (May 15-May 22, 2020, n=60), 85% struggled with insufficient digital technologies in the supply chain. One of the key digital technologies is business intelligence (BI) and analytics. According to Tableau, the projected return on investment of BI in a 3-year period is 127%. Clients and colleagues are seeing the importance of adopting BI and predictive analytics to proactively manage the company and make critical decisions. Are you on a roadmap to adopting BI?

ASQ Pacific Region: Pacific Region Quality Conference 2021

Manufacturing and supply chain expert, Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., discusses data intelligence and global supply chain.

Case Study: Overloaded with Data Issues?

Even the best of clients have all sorts of data issues. It is actually quite surprising how this issue runs across industries, company sizes and types of ownership. So, what should we do about it? Let's talk through a client example and the successful path forward. Situation Although quite [...]

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