
Capacity & Labor Planning

Production & Labor Scheduling Case Study to Maximize Productivity

As geopolitical and economic risks rise, executives become more concerned. Proactive clients are taking action to boldly invest where it makes sense while aggressively focusing on inventory and cost reduction of non-value added items/ work and also ensuring high customer service levels.

SIOP / S&OP: Proactive Approach to Maximizing Production Output & Capacity

Clients are struggling to keep up with customer's changing requests. Order backlogs remain relatively high (depending on the industry), but customers are pushing orders out at the last minute, pulling orders in without notice, adding future potential orders, and changing requirements on the fly. Production is scrambling to keep up.

Using Capacity Planning to Increase Revenue & Profitability

Manufacturing is on a downward trend after eight months of PMI (purchasing manager's index) below 50. It dropped to 46 in June. China's manufacturing also shrank for a third month in a row to a PMI of 49. Yet manufacturers backlogs remain relatively robust in many industries, leading executives perplexed on what to do about capacity shortfalls.

Labor Scheduling: How to Maximize Operational Effectiveness While Servicing Your Customer

At its simplest, labor scheduling is determining which people (and which skills) you should have at which sites at which work centers at what time (shift) to ensure the right products can be delivered to the right customer at the right time.

NESCON: Managing Capacity in a Complex & Volatile Long-Lead Environment

Lisa Anderson facilitated a panel discussion at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exposition on managing capacity in complex and volatile environments with Shari Ruelas General Manager of Commercial Products Chevron, Alejandro Bustamante Senior Advisor to CEO & Board of Directors of Poly/HP, and Dan Raatjes SVP & COO King's Hawaiian Holding Co.

Managing Capacity in Complex, Volatile, Long-Lead Environment

Managing capacity during these turbulent times in a complex, volatile, long-lead time environment has proven quite the challenge. During the pandemic, sales volumes either dropped like a rock or skyrocketed with no middle ground. Most manufacturers have not been able to keep up with demand in the last year [...]

Capacity Planning Best Practices to Support Sales Growth

Sales Growth: Can Operations & Supply Chain Keep Up? Almost every client has the opportunity to grow substantially. The question is whether their operations and supply chain can keep up. Unfortunately, across the board, planners are wringing their hands to expedite orders, prioritize customers, schedule additional production, understand the [...]

Sales Forecasts are Rising Fast. Do You Have Capacity?

Clients are growing quickly. No matter the industry and company size, clients and colleagues are seeing growth. The only question is how quickly and whether they can keep up. Capacity constraints are popping up everywhere. On the logistics front, Southern California has no available space; the ports are backlogged, prices are rising [...]

Inventory or Capacity?

Inventory has emerged as a hot topic lately. In today’s Amazon-impacted business environment, customers expect rapid, customized deliveries, the ability to change their mind anytime and easy interactions.

Ideas to Fill Peak Capacity Periods

As we toured several e-commerce facilities such as UPS and Amazon, it became obvious that the sheer volume during peak season presents a huge dilemma. For example, UPS goes from 250-300 containers per night to 450 during peak season. Now that is quite a surge! Amazon has similar surges and stated facts such as 68 million orders on Cyber Monday. 

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