Feedback can be invaluable; however, it can also be the opposite. As my HR mentor used to say, do not react to all feedback. Consider who is providing the feedback. Sometimes, people mean well and provide feedback; however, it is not appropriate or accurate. Sometimes, people are jealous, and it taints the feedback. On the other hand, feedback can often times provide immense value from the right people and in the right circumstances.

Be open to feedback. Request it from those you trust will provide honest (at least from their perspective) and value-added information. For example, I’ve always encouraged feedback as it can accelerate your progress. Don’t let it get you down. Instead, consider it a gift. If people didn’t care, they wouldn’t tell you. And, you know which feedback to ignore from those who want to hurt you. Listening to feedback also lets people know that you value their input. Don’t overlook the importance of feedback!

In addition, if you have people reporting to you, provide feedback. Do NOT wait until performance reviews. Provide feedback continually – both positive and constructive. Once people realize you are interested in their success, they will listen and value your feedback. Be specific with positive feedback. How else will the recipient know what to repeat and build upon? Be clear with ideas for improvement and provide opportunities to try them out. Even if you don’t have people reporting to you, provide feedback. Make sure you approach them in a good way; however, make time to provide them with thought-out value.

© Lisa Anderson