

M&A is on the Rise

July 27, 2016 A few weeks ago, I attended a ProVisors ODAM (Ontario-region based distributors and manufacturers group - don't you love the name?!) session on the current state of the M&A market in Southern California - and specifically in the Inland Empire for manufacturers and distributors.  The bottom [...]

2023-09-16T23:23:28-07:00July 27, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Mergers & Acquisitions – How To Be One Of The 20% That Succeed

Between 70-80%+ of mergers and acquisitions fail to produce the results originally expected. Yet, there are still many venture capitalists and companies aggressively searching to merge and/or acquire a business. Why is the success rate so low? And, why can't 70-80%+ of the merger/ acquisition leadership teams find a [...]

2023-07-22T04:57:16-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Change Management / Culture Change, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |
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