Unanimously, our clients have seen an increase in customer expectations. Are you finding ways to exceed customer service expectations and stand out from the crowd?

Unanimously, our clients have seen an increase in customer expectations. Excellent customer service has become expected. Instead, we must stand out from the crowd to keep the business. What must we do to maintain our preferential position in our customers’ eyes?

A few questions to think about include the following:

  1. Are you investing in customer service like you invest in people, systems and programs? How much do you put aside for this critical endeavor?
  2. Who is responsible for customer service? Is it a Customer Service or Sales Manager? Why isn’t it a part of each person’s performance? Does the CEO consider himself/ herself ultimately responsible?
  3. Are all customers created equal? Do they receive equal priority? Or, do your top customers that do not complain receive less attention because the squeaky wheel gets the attention?
  4. Do your customers know they are important to you?

Only those companies that stand above the noise with a customer service edge will thrive. What are you doing to ensure success?

© Lisa Anderson