
personal well-being

New Orleans State of Mind

Published October 17, 2014 I arrived in New Orleans to speak at APICS 2014 on empowering and engaging employees, and so I'm in the New Orleans state of mind. Certainly, as my bio confirms, one of my favorite spots anywhere is Cafe du Monde. Where else do you have [...]

2023-09-17T03:46:08-07:00October 17, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

Don’t Let Your Summer Slip Away

Take time to recharge your batteries and enjoy summertime. Creativity and problem-solving may just need a little sun and sand inspiration to make your business shine. As summer is quickly winding down, I thought it appropriate to take a step back and think about a few ideas to wrap [...]

2023-09-16T11:55:18-07:00August 28, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Never Stop Learning

In a society of over-communication, you'll stand out through continuous education and committment to learning. In today's business climate, those who stand out in a crowd will succeed. One of the keys to success is to never stop learning. Read: Especially in the information age, it is even more [...]

2023-09-19T10:57:05-07:00May 3, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Is Creating Life Balance Important During a Recession

As it so happens that I've recently experienced a stockpile of travels, vacations, birthday celebrations and life experiences such as attending my nephew's piano recital, I imagine you'd suspect my answer is YES! It's quite normal for people to work harder and longer in recessions - after all, everyone [...]

2023-09-19T19:24:25-07:00May 3, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: |

Life Balance – What To Do

Since it's the summer and many folks are taking vacations and enjoying the summer while others are struggling to fill in "back at the office", I thought it was appropriate to discuss life balance. My consulting mentor, Alan Weiss, talks quite a bit about this subject and has a [...]

2023-09-19T19:25:49-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: |
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