
ERP Selection & Upgrades

Lessons Learned: ERP Failure

How effective is your ERP selection and implementation process?

Preparing for a New System

I've seen a steady increase in ERP selection, implementation and utilization projects as executives want to fully leverage the tools available to drive business results. However, a new system can be a significant undertaking. Only those who prepare will succeed. Document business processes - Start by documenting what occurs [...]

2022-09-06T08:23:16-07:00April 24, 2013|Categories: ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: |

How Do I Implement Lean I.T. and Accelerate Business Results?

One of my colleagues, Vicki Jeter, is exceptional at designing and implementing lean for I.T. – in essence, Lean I.T. is about providing value in the eyes of the customer, driving out non-value-added work, and leveraging systems to achieve bottom line results. A few tips I’ve learned from her [...]

2023-09-19T11:34:13-07:00October 20, 2011|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , |

ERP Implementation: Secrets of Success

Published in "Project Times" website, December, 2010 Click here for original article. During the recession, many ERP (enterprise resource planning) system implementations have been put on hold.  Now that we are emerging from the recession, companies are beginning to think about implementing – even if not a full implementation, [...]

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