
ERP implementation

Going Live on a New ERP System and the Importance of People

A client is going live on a new ERP system shortly, and so it is top of mind. As is ALWAYS the case, as you get close to the finish line, issues pop up and it feels like one nightmare after another. With that said, the team is doing [...]

8 tips for a successful ERP upgrade project

"You have to educate your users, which is different from training them”, said Lisa Anderson, founder and president of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc. and manufacturing expert known for creating supply chain resiliency. === Whether you love them or hate them, ERP upgrades are a fact of life. Nowadays, they [...]

2024-02-15T21:35:26-08:00February 13, 2020|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades, In The News|Tags: , , |

ERP software trends: what you should know for 2019

In today's marketplace, not only is the Amazon Effect in full force — requiring rapid deliveries and quick, data-driven decisions — but disruption abounds.
2024-02-16T18:23:18-08:00December 18, 2019|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades, In The News|Tags: , , |

Have You Thought About Whether You are Maximizing the Use of Your ERP System?

Explore the factors to consider before deciding on an ERP system upgrade: when to maximize your current system and when to pursue a modern, scalable solution.

Forget About Reducing Inventory; Perhaps You Have the Wrong Supply Chain Strategy

Clients and colleagues have demonstrated a heightened interest in inventory reduction recently; however, they are not yet seeing the full value! Certainly, with everyone worried about a potential recession in 2020, they are starting to think about not tying as much cash up in wasted inventory but that is not the 100-pound gorilla. The real question is why we are thinking about corporate mandates and full warehouses instead of seeing the big picture that we should reevaluate our supply chain.

ERP Selection: Why It Has Become a Strategic Priority

In today’s Amazonian environment, customers expect rapid delivery, over and beyond from cradle to grave, collaborative service, 24/7 accessibility and last-minute changes. Executives are realizing they must upgrade their technology infrastructure to meet and exceed these customer expectations while driving bottom line improvement.

The Top Women Influencers in ERP Technology

Highlighting the achievements and insights of leading women influencers shaping the ERP technology landscape.
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