
ERP implementation

Best of the 100: Systems Pragmatist

Rushing forward without pertinent tools and processes can hinder your business goals. A systems pragmatist will gain traction by strengthening fundamental areas. As I've been going through my hundreds of articles to put together the 100 tips, it's become obvious as to which topics resonated with me as essential [...]

How To Elevate Business Performance with Lean I.T.

Technological innovations are abundant, even overwhelming. Rather than trying to modernize at every turn seek to leverage your I.T. department to provide maximum efficiency without non-value added work. We hear a lot about lean, Toyota Production System and the like; however, I rarely hear about Lean I.T.  A friend [...]

Overcoming Project Bottlenecks

Every manager juggles several projects at once, some more troublesome than others. Clearing your path of obstacles is a constant burden but with preparation, calm, creativity, and decisiveness, you can dodge roadblocks that obstruct project success. Published in “Project Times” website, May 20, 2014 Click here for original article. [...]

ERP Implementation Stars

Acknowledge your ERP implementation project leaders for their ability to manage multiple moving parts. I've found that successful ERP implementation project leaders are unsung heroes as few executives could or should understand the 1000's of moving parts & critical elements to achieving success. What are a few of these [...]

The Critical Importance of Design

Never underestimate the importance of design when upgrading or implementing supply chain systems. I find that design is often undervalued. We seem to blindly follow systems and business processes yet don't take the time to think through design. Purchasing and maintaining an ERP system is considered a big-ticket item [...]

Are You On-Time, On-Budget and On-Results? Go Back to the Basics!

Published in Project Times July 24, 2013 What company doesn't have at least several projects going at once to try to support essential objectives? In my 20+ years of experience as a global business consultant and operations executive, I've yet to see one! As projects are commonplace in organizations, [...]

Driving a Winning Culture

How do you and your organization develop or maintain a winning culture? In my 20 years of experience in working with multiple companies across multiple industries and globally, there is a lot of talk about culture; however, little to no impact - bottom line results. On the other hand, [...]

Lessons Learned: ERP Failure

How effective is your ERP selection and implementation process? Published in "The ACA Group" website, November, 2011 ERP system implementations fell off the grid during the recession; however, I've seen resurgence in the last year. Companies are thinking about investing again. However, although businesses are picking up, they are [...]

Successful System Implementations

The multifaceted task of implementing a successful ERP system starts with selecting the “right” system and having a cohesive, adaptable strategy. As strange as it might sound, the software and its features is typically the least important ingredient to success. Instead, focus on... Just the critical few key requirements. [...]

Can You Prevent ERP Implementation Chaos?

Achieve expected returns from your ERP implementation by following three keys to success. I've found that noticing and acting on trends can be a key to success from both a professional and personal perspective. Lately there have been plenty of trends to notice; however, a noteworthy one is that [...]

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