

A Simple Follow-Up Increases Your Success by 20%…..Are You Doing It?

A simple follow-up can significantly enhance success rates. Are you leveraging this straightforward strategy to its full potential?
2024-03-15T17:28:49-07:00May 22, 2017|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Talent & Leadership|Tags: |

Project Success Is All About The People

Project success starts and ends with people. Give your project a head start with a top leader to guide the cross-functional tasks along the way.

How to Keep Your Team’s Morale Up During Change

These effective strategies boost team morale during times of change, ensuring engagement, motivation, and productivity in your organization.

Project Leadership Remains #1 Key to Success

Whether a project is successful or not will depend on many variables but none plays a larger role than leadership. Published in "Project Times" website, July 28, 2015 Click here for original article. In thinking about the hundreds of client projects I’ve completed over the last ten years, if [...]

Eagle Eye Execution

In supply chain management and other industries that require collaboration, eagle eye execution is what you need to make it happen. In my experience as a global business consultant and former VP of Operations, I've yet to find a business that failed solely due to a poor strategy; however, [...]

2023-09-15T17:39:03-07:00October 30, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Simplicity is “In”

Published in "Project Times" website, October 30, 2013 Click here for original article. Volatility is the new norm in today’s new normal business environment. Complexity increases with each day – supply chains are more complex, risk and security issues are prevalent, natural disasters and political strife is commonplace, new [...]

Are You On-Time, On-Budget and On-Results? Go Back to the Basics!

Published in Project Times July 24, 2013 What company doesn't have at least several projects going at once to try to support essential objectives? In my 20+ years of experience as a global business consultant and operations executive, I've yet to see one! As projects are commonplace in organizations, [...]

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