
process improvement

Disruption & Risk are the New Normal: Succeeding with Resilient Supply Chains

There is substantial geopolitical risk with China. Look no further than the South China Seas. Philippine officials say Chinese forces seized two naval boats in a disputed South China Sea shoal. A few days prior, a Philippine ship and a Chinese vessel collided. It is a risky situation in the South China Seas.

Challenges, Risks & Opportunities in E-Commerce & Logistics

In attending the Southern California E-Commerce & Logistics Summit, it is clear that focusing on global logistics as a system of systems is paramount (special shout out to Fran Inman for the use of her phrase). Not one link in the supply chain can succeed on its own.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Highlights Proactive Backlog Management as a Keystone for Elevating Customer Service in Manufacturing

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – November 20, 2023 –  In a business landscape characterized by unprecedented business volatility, maintaining stellar customer service emerges as a critical differentiator for companies navigating the ebbs and flows of the current market. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Consultant Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD and President of [...]

Sustainability Driving Triple Bottom Line in Manufacturing and Logistics

With sustainability increasing in popularity and the carbon footprints of end-to-end supply chains evaluated, innovation and manufacturing will skyrocket.

Leap Forward and Leverage ERP & Supply Chain Technologies

ERP and related technologies should only be a priority if you want to grow and succeed for decades to come. If not, it will be the same as if you said you wanted to stick with the horse and buggy instead of leaping into a Ford.

SIOP / S&OP: Don’t Reshore; Move Manufacturing Forward

Globalization is not working. Geopolitics abound. For example, the war in Russia and Ukraine ravages on. There are concerns around the nuclear power plant in Ukraine, occupied by Russia. And that is aside from the impact on oil, food, commodities and much more. China continues to threaten Taiwan and has already changed Hong Kong. It is no longer the same for business. There are countless risks throughout the world.

Northern Lights, Husky Sleighs, & Stacking the Deck for Success

I went to Finland to see the northern lights, or the aurora borealis. Getting there is no piece of cake. We flew through London, took a 2-3 hour flight to Helsinki, Finland, and then took another flight to northern Finland (almost another 2 hours) and then drove 40 minutes to the resort (of course, north). It isn't for the faint of heart with temperatures in the negative numbers, requiring 6 or 7 layers minimum to allow you to stay outside for short bursts of time (although not very long as you'll start growing icicles), but the experience is worth it!

Common Sense Manufacturing Practices Driving Sustainability Improvements

Posted in Adhesives & Sealants Industry, November  2022 With the increase in interest in sustainable materials and manufacturing, there will be a significant opportunity for U.S. manufacturers that use common sense, good manufacturing practices. In fact, because manufacturers have realized that it is far less environmentally friendly and energy [...]

What Is S&OP (also known as SIOP) & Why Should We Care?

We are thrilled to introduce our S&OP webpage with everything you need to know about Sales and Operations Planning (also known as SIOP, Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning or IBP, Integrated Business Planning). You'll find sections: What is S&OP? How do you benefit from SIOP? Why implement SIOP? Client [...]

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