
process improvement

The Eagles and Apprenticeships

Are you thinking about apprenticeships?  It doesn't have to be as dramatic as an untimely death; there are many reasons you should be thinking many years down-the-line with your apprenticeship programs.

Forget Data Cleanup and Find a Measure to Start NOW!

Are you mired in data cleanup and not focused on measures that can immediately help you? Stop searching for the “right” data lever and look for measures to track and improve processes. If you have the systems to measure your ideal metric, go for it but don't let it [...]

Forget About Cost Savings: Look for Process Opportunities

Have you ever thought about how easy it is to uncover process opportunities?  Most executives tell me 'no' as it seems much harder than it is most of the time yet they are very interested in these opportunities to improve their business. As interested as they are in these [...]

2023-09-16T17:07:05-07:00July 13, 2016|Categories: Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: , , |

Plan the Work; Work the Plan

Oftentimes we spend countless hours planning a project with details, responsibilities and timelines, only to forget to work the plan. Once a plan is done, refocus your energy to execution.

Lessons Learned from a Genius Businessman

Harry used uncommon common sense to spot opportunities to turn around companies. His wisdom, integrity and generosity will be missed. My best friend's dad was as close to a business genius as I've stood. He made his employers rich beyond their wildest dreams yet he was happy with this [...]

The SIOP Conveyor Belt Analogy

The ongoing planning and adjustments integral to the SIOP is like a conveyor belt carrying along current data and processes until they become history. SIOP (Sales, inventory, & operations planning) is a methodology of sorts that aligns demand with supply – and, more importantly, the various functions of the [...]

An IT Roadmap

Creating an IT roadmap shouldn’t be all about the bells and whistles of the system, but rather on the technology that supports the strategy and business objectives. Ever heard about 1's and 0's as it relates to computers? That level of detail is often what I see with systems. [...]

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