

Industrial Robotics for Manufacturing & Supply Chain Success

There are around 3 million industrial robots in use worldwide, and the market is expected to grow to $45 billion by 2028. At a minimum, robots can perform routine tasks with consistent quality. At a maximum, robots will be a strategic advantage to your business. It is no wonder clients are implementing them at a fast pace and investing widely.

Leveraging ERP and supply chain technologies for a diverse customer experience

Enterprise resource planning systems, CRMs and other tech such as RFID, barcoding, customer and supplier portals, blockchain, IoT, and GPS tracking all support this goal.

Integrate AI in Manufacturing to Raise the Bar

According to Polaris Market Research, the market size of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing is predicted to grow more than 41% during the next decade. Although the latest Sikich Industry Pulse found that less than 20% manufacturers have started to implement AI [...]

Manufacturing Trends: Maintaining A Competitive Edge – SelectHub

Pay alone will not suffice. In our experience, the most important priority to retaining top talent is company culture and leadership.

Automate, Digitize, and Thrive in the Supply Chain

The world has never experienced a labor shortage quite like the one we are experiencing. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment growth will average .3 over the next decade; however, labor participation will drop from 62.2% to 60.4%.

Supply Chain Automation is Changing the Landscape

Automation is coming, whether or not we get on board. Most executives do not want to be the guinea pig for new technology as they cannot afford disruption and risk.

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Technologies: From 3D Printing to AI

Medtech companies’ focus on supply chain resiliency and mitigating supply chain risk has increased over the last few years as the pandemic triggered extended lead times, delays, and rising costs.

Leap Forward and Leverage ERP & Supply Chain Technologies

ERP and related technologies should only be a priority if you want to grow and succeed for decades to come. If not, it will be the same as if you said you wanted to stick with the horse and buggy instead of leaping into a Ford.

Strategies for AI in Manufacturing & Supply Chain

What is All the Hoopla Over ChatGPT? If you haven't been living under a rock, you've heard about ChatGPT and other AI (artificial intelligence) competitors such as Google's Bard and Elon Musk's AI platform. Everyone has gotten into the conversation, from marketing professionals to tech experts to people like [...]

The State of Affairs in Package Shipping

To prepare for a segment on Bloomberg to talk about the state of logistics that will air with their interview of Deutsche Post DHL Group CFO Melanie Kreis (which will air on Chief Future Officer on Oct 5th), I did a deep dive on package shipping and related logistics systems.
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