

Predictable Revenue & Resilient Operations for Manufacturing Success

Manufacturing is in a state of flux. After seven straight months of contraction in manufacturing, it is not surprising manufacturers are thinking about cutting back. On the other hand, in many industries, manufacturers continue to have a robust backlog and are growing faster than their capacity.

SIOP / S&OP: Balance Customer Orders, Inventory, & Profitability

If you want to serve your key customers successfully (with high on-time-in-full (OTIF), short lead times, and proactive service) so that you can take advantage of the opportunities coming down the pike while addressing the hard realities of the current business environment (potential recessions, high interest rates, and less access to capital), you MUST balance sales, operations and inventory.

The LMA Experience

LMA client, Armacell LLC, provides senior management, operations management, supply chain management (integrated business planning), and sales viewpoints on their experience in working with the LMA team and the results they achieved.

Replenishment Planning Best Practices to Improve Service Levels, Logistics Efficiencies, and Inventory Turns

Improving OTIF and Reducing Cost and Inventory Every client wants to support growth goals while improving service levels (OTIF, on-time-in-full), operational efficiencies and inventory turns. These are timeless objectives for every planner. During the pandemic, the priorities shifted to service levels because clients struggled to keep up with dramatic [...]

Big Grocery Chains Ramping Up Pressure on Food Suppliers

If you are not high performing in the food and beverage industry (and consumer products in general), you will not stay viable anymore.
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