

Awarded Board Approval in Supply Chain Strategy

I wanted to share a recent success with you. I was awarded Board Approval in Supply Chain Strategy by the Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC).

Can You Use Project Management to Find a Job?

Published in "Project Times" website, October, 2009 Click here for original article. There are so many high quality people in the job search process today - after all, unemployment rates continue to increase, even though at a slower rate. Tell this "comforting" statistic to the exasperated job seeker. For [...]

Throw Out Complex Project Timelines

Published in "Project Times" website, September, 2009 Click here for original article. The current recession has made it all the more critical that companies deliver the expected project results - on time, on/under budget and meeting/exceeding the intended results. Therefore, it is critical that we throw out the old [...]

The Bright Side of Big Bonuses

Published in ABC News on March 20, 2009  Lisa Anderson, founder and president LMA Consulting Group, Inc. in southern California said bonuses, generally speaking, can play a big role in retention. "Overall, I believe that money is not a motivator but the lack of it is a motivator," she [...]

2020-11-02T19:14:12-08:00March 20, 2009|Categories: In The News, Leadership & Skills Development|Tags: |

Just-in-Time Remains Justifiable

Published in Industry Week on May 11, 2007 It seems very common that people get on the bandwagon of some of these philosophies like JIT, and they give up as opposed to understanding that it's not something trendy to do," says Lisa Anderson, president and founder of business processes [...]

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