

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Releases Supply Chain Profitability Assessment to Drive Customer Performance through Optimization and Efficiency

This cutting-edge tool prompts supply chain professionals, operations executives and senior leaders to introspect and critically assess various facets of their supply chains that affect customer performance, with a focus on flexibility and efficiency.

Future-Proofing Your Customers

In thinking about future-proofing your people, it makes sense to start with your customers. Have you thought about future-proofing your customers? The statistics are staggering. According to Outbound Engine, acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. We wouldn't be surprised if the [...]

The Value of Thinking about the Future instead of the Past

Talk with your employees about the future. After all, how will they be able to build the right skills if they have no idea what is needed in the future?
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