
Supply Chain (End-to-End)

Critical Mass Radio Show: Interview on Manufacturing & Supply Chain

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson talks about what is important to manufacturing and supply chain, how best practices can add value regardless of size and shares tips, ideas and strategies for manufacturing success. Use controls below to listen. Download MP3 16.7MB

Stand Out From the Crowd and Delight Your Customers!

Engaging your customers creates a customer service edge There has never been a better time to create a customer service edge! Gone are the days of the last decade when we saw examples of 10% sales growth achieved solely by picking up the phone. Customers expect more for less [...]

Why Become the Strongest Link in Your Supply Chain?

Being known as the strongest link in your supply chain is the key to success. In today's new normal business environment where sales are no longer easy, talent is in short supply even amidst high unemployment levels, volatility is the new norm and customers want "more for less - [...]

The New Normal Business Environment

In today's new normal business environment which is characterized by volatility, lackluster sales, customers wanting “more for less – and NOW” and a talent shortage admist high unemployment levels, companies are turning to the supply chain to deliver RESULTS. Our view of the supply chain is from our [...]

Metrics for Customer Loyalty

Published in "The ACA Group" website, November, 2010 Polling my clients and contacts, I've found there's no exception to the rule that customer loyalty is no longer a nice-to-have; instead, it must be an assumption in today's "new normal" business environment. A perfect storm is brewing - just as [...]

How to Accelerate Cash Flow through Supply Chain Innovations

Business managers and entrepreneurs can increase cash flow with already-existing assets through the implementation of innovative supply chain strategies, according to Lisa Anderson, founder and President of LMA Consulting Group, Inc. "In today's new normal business environment, cash is king, yet traditional methods to increase cash flow are not [...]

Increasing Cash Flow through Supply Chain Improvements

Published in "The ACA Group" website, March, 2011 As we are emerging from the recession, we are by no means returning to the high growth days of the past. Instead, the new normal is here to stay - slow growth for those who stay ahead of the curve, tight [...]

Succeed During These Turbulent Times – Manage for Cash Part 2

In today's economic and business environment, cash is king. The critical importance of cash in businesses continues to rise. One just has to read the news to see cash highlighted on a daily basis in relation to several high profile companies - GM, Chrysler, MGM Mirage, GE Capital etc. [...]

2023-07-22T09:34:53-07:00April 28, 2013|Categories: Inventory Management & Control|Tags: , |

Succeed During These Turbulent Times – Manage for Cash Part 1: Manage Inventories

Businesses continue to cut back as the economy continues to worsen - seemingly every day. Cutting costs in a reasonable and smart manner is required; however, cost cutting alone rarely achieves success. As one of my mentors used to say, the best problem to have is a cost problem [...]

Tips for surviving a physical inventory

Prepare, prepare, and prepare: 80% of your success is in preparation. Organize the warehouse, clearly mark areas, label exceptions, complete and review system transactions, etc. Stop / isolate movement: When you begin your physical count, stop all physical and system movements and transactions. This is a critical foundation - [...]

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