
During these unprecedented times and especially as the holiday season is upon us, it is an important time to think about charities. We included a donation in our holiday cards for the Cancer Research Institute. 87 cents of every dollar spent goes to programs. Several relatives and friends have suffered with cancer, and I hope the Cancer Research Institute will continue to make significant advances.

Additionally, I support the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. My dad had Parkinson’s and it is definitely worth researching therapies and a cure. 88 cents of every dollar spent goes to research programs, and the goal is to be put out of business. Parkinson’s is extremely debilitating, and if it wasn’t for my mom’s steadfast commitment to keeping my dad moving, he wouldn’t have had NEARLY the quality of life as he did (surprising even his specialist that he did as well as he did until the end). With that said, it is definitely a true struggle for the patient and family. I’m excited about what both of these organizations are achieving.

Perhaps donating to your favorite charity can be especially meaningful this year. I’d love to hear your stories of what’s meaningful to you.