
Global Trade, Geopolitics, & Import/ Export

Beware of New Data Law in China & Its Impacts

January 31, 2020 According to the Epoch Times and International Business Attorney, John Tulac, China's new cybersecurity law poses a big risk for anyone doing business in China. In essence, if you send data to or from China, your data can be audited at any time. It certainly [...]

U.S., China Sign Historic Phase One Trade Deal

According to the National Association of Manufacturers press release, the U.S and China trade deal is an unprecedented phase one win for manufacturers.  Previously the NAM CEO lamented that "China has proven one of the most troubling markets in the world for manufacturers, due to its lack of commitment [...]

Supply Chain Made in Vietnam?

Explore the considerations for strategic sourcing decisions between China and Vietnam for business success.

Is Vietnam the New China?

Discover the potential of Vietnam as a sourcing destination. Explore the benefits, challenges, and impacts of Vietnam for your manufacturing needs.

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Considers Exports a Significant Opportunity for Manufacturers

CLAREMONT, Calif., Oct. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., sees exports as a significant opportunity for manufacturers to grow and future proof their business. "As manufacturers work on customizing products and meeting ever-changing delivery expectations, it's [...]

Lisa Anderson, LMA interviews John Tulac, International Attorney

How any U.S. Company Can Survive a Trade War with China

With all that is going on with China in terms of trade wars, currencies, natural resources and more, it begs the question of what we should be thinking about doing business with China. Is it prudent?

Biggest Shakeup in Decades Coming to the Shipping Industry with IMO Regulations

According to Reuters, the biggest shakeup in decades is coming to the shipping industry as the IMO regulations go into force in January.

The Global Logistics Landscape

Global logistics is relevant to GDP and to every business that produces, distributes and sells products.

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