

Manufacturing Management Success: Managing in Today’s Complex World

Complexity abounds in manufacturing management; can you rise to the challenge? Complexity abounds!  Supply chains are extended. Risks must be mitigated. Rules and regulations are increasing. Talent is in short supply.  95% of business is outside the U.S. yet expanding internationally brings challenges and complexity. Customers are demanding more [...]

Profit Drivers

The key to success isn't to think about profit but instead to think about profit drivers. What business isn't interested in profit? None I can think of - even non-profit businesses need to be concerned about whether they'll come out "a wash". I find that the key to success [...]

Business Process ROI

Systems pragmatists focus on achieving exponential returns on investment (ROI) with a combination of top-notch business processes, systems, and people. Business process improvement is starting to make a comeback as executives are thinking about how to increase efficiencies. I’m a fan of selecting a few critical priorities and re-focusing [...]

Critical Mass Radio Show: Interview on Manufacturing & Supply Chain

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson talks about what is important to manufacturing and supply chain, how best practices can add value regardless of size and shares tips, ideas and strategies for manufacturing success. Use controls below to listen. Download MP3 16.7MB

How Manufacturers and Distributors can Utilize Social Media for Success

Maximize your use of social media to distinguish your company. In today’s new normal, we are in a volatile and challenging business environment where customers are demanding more for less – and NOW! Thus, it is increasingly critical to stand out from the crowd. One of the best ways [...]

2023-08-30T15:13:51-07:00June 30, 2013|Categories: Distribution & Warehousing, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Trade & Logistics|

Lantz on Leadership: A Practical Approach to Creating Profit through People and Process

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson provides tips and techniques on how to leverage people and processes to achieve the best business results and in preparation for the "new normal" business environment. Use controls below to listen. Download MP3

2023-09-10T22:30:25-07:00June 1, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Podcasts, Process Improvement|

How to Cultivate a Culture of Innovation

Pinpointing success is about re-packaging—literally and figuratively—by connecting the dots in a new way and seeing trends and hidden profit opportunities. Published in "The Business Edge" website, November, 2011 There has never been a better time to cultivate an environment of innovation! We are in what has been referred [...]

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