

What is SIOP? (7 Strategies for CEOs)

"SIOP" stands for Sales, Inventory, Operations Planning (SIOP). Depending on the industry or organization, you may also hear it referred to as “S&OP” or Sales and Operations Planning. Sometimes, it is even referred to as “IBP” or Integrated Business Planning. Typically, they mean the same thing. The most important words to emphasize are planning and alignment.
2024-02-13T23:07:03-08:00April 5, 2022|Categories: SIOP - S&OP, SIOP Planning & Execution|Tags: , , , |

Cleansing, Connecting & Consolidating Data to Support SIOP / S&OP and a Superior Customer Experience

One issue of significant importance during the current volatile times that was also key during previous periods (aggressive growth prior to the pandemic, the downturn of the Great Recession, etc.) is the critical importance of providing a superior customer experience. It is evergreen for companies that want to grow [...]

Thriving in an Inflationary Environment Using SIOP/ S&OP

We have entered a new era of with inflationary pressures. It started during the pandemic due to limited supply, but it has been spurred on with the rising oil and gas prices, commodity shortages, and rising food prices. Navigating successfully through these inflationary times will make the strong companies [...]

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing, SIOP Expert and President of LMA Consulting Suggests Supply Chain Requires 360 Planning

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – March 30, 2022 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., predicts supply chain disruptions to continue through 2023. She suggests implementing a SIOP/S&OP (Sales and Operations Planning) process to mitigate the swings associated with disruptions. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation to maximize the customer experience and enable profitable, scalable, dramatic business growth.
2023-09-19T22:30:59-07:00March 30, 2022|Categories: Press Releases, SIOP - S&OP, SIOP Planning & Execution|Tags: , |

Taking Control of Customer Success Using SIOP (S&OP)

We are in a new era with more opportunity to grow than ever before. COVID is largely in the rear-view mirror, and the strong companies are getting stronger. Consumers have returned to the scene and are robust purchasers of products, homes and services. Are you ready to grow and scale? Have you taken control of your end-to-end supply chain so that you can take advantage of the opportunities?

How SIOP Powers Growth During Supply Chain Disruption

A building products company missed several million dollars in revenue last year because they couldn't meet the demand. Unfortunately, this was a common occurrence. Sales increased dramatically, and they couldn't scale up their manufacturing operations and adapt their purchase requests quickly enough to take advantage of the opportunity.
2024-02-13T23:18:43-08:00February 14, 2022|Categories: In The News, SIOP - S&OP, SIOP Planning & Execution, Supply Chain Briefing|Tags: , , , |

Prescient Strategy & Manufacturing Resilience Using SIOP (S&OP)

To thrive post COVID, manufacturing resilience will be cornerstone. Customers expect personalization, customization, and rapid deliveries without disruption, and they will change suppliers, substitute products and do whatever is required to satisfy their customers or get what's needed. For example, although the preference is for online purchasing, consumers will return to stores to ensure quick, reliable supply of critical items.

Clients Using SIOP Pulling Ahead of the Competition: SIOP Case Study

In working with clients across multiple industries including industrial equipment, food and beverage, building and construction products and healthcare products, there is no doubt that clients using a SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning) and integrated business planning process are pulling away from the competition.

Schenck: Client Video Success Story SIOP

Lisa Anderson is featured in a client video success story on SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning). SIOP provided better alignment on sales quotation and order flow to improve delivery performance for customers, increased visibility for planning resources, improved operating performance and a better view at upcoming demand to plan for surges and scale successfully.

Global Supply Shortages & Why SIOP Matters

Demand is soaring but supply is scarce. There is no doubt that we have a serious issue of limited supply. The pandemic created volatility in both demand and supply, causing a significant overload of ships at the L.A. and Long Beach ports early this year as Chinese factories caught [...]

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