
On Friday night, I went to the annual LOL (Ladies of Logistics) bash, thanks to Elizabeth Warren (we’re pictured below).  She brought together many of Southern California’s most powerful women in logistics (and a few men too).  It was a great opportunity to talk with people from the ports, procurement, rail, trucking, air, policy, distribution and the media.  Talk about a powerful network!  This event illustrated the power of networks.  We couldn’t achieve nearly as much individually as we do by collaborating together.  And, we propel each other to success!  Making s’mores doesn’t hurt either….

One tip to implement this week: 

Have you thought about the power of a network?  Take a step back and think about which networks you participate with.  Which networks surround your profession, geography, alma mater, and so on?  Networks can be formal or informal.  LOL is an informal network but just as powerful as some of the most formal ones.

Participating with the “right” network can lead to 1+1=64.  Thus, it seems worthwhile to take a good look around and find a network where you think you’ll be able to add value.  Start by looking for where you can add value.  With that motivation and perspective, it is guaranteed that exponential value will follow.  More importantly, you’ll also enjoy it.  When I first joined ProVisors (network of trusted advisers), I wasn’t sure how I’d provide many referrals.  Fast-forward several years later and I am able to provide referrals for the most obscure of requests – and love it!

August 20, 2017