Supply Chain Predictions And Outlook For 2025 – Lisa Anderson Comments
Lisa Anderson shares her thoughts on the outlook for supply chains in 2025.
Lisa Anderson shares her thoughts on the outlook for supply chains in 2025.
As we continue to dive into the trends and predictions of 2025, Lisa Anderson joins us this week as we discuss the strategies and initiatives that will drive supply chain business in this new year.
Modern ERP No Longer Enough Although we have been emphasizing the need for a modern ERP system to meet continually evolving customer expectations, modern ERP alone is no longer enough. To thrive in the next decade will require business AI (artificial intelligence) to be embedded throughout your ERP system, [...]
99% of the companies that bring us on board for consulting projects can accelerate bottom line business results by better utilizing their ERP system.
What did your business learn from a year of unprecedented disruption that saw shifting customer expectations, disrupted supply chains, market uncertainty, and a rapid switch to remote working? How quickly were you able to respond? And what can you do now to help your business regain and accelerate its growth trajectory? Gain insights learned during SAP Sapphire.
Procter & Gamble, the maker of Charmin toilet paper, was prepared for thousands of scenarios – including earthquakes, fires, and cybersecurity attacks – but not for a disruption greater in magnitude than all three combined: a global pandemic. As COVID-19 spread throughout the United States in March, panicked shoppers snapped up [...]
If it isn't already, your end-to-end supply chain must be part of your strategy discussions. I was recently featured at SAP's SAPPHIRE NOW Coverage global conference on supply chain since it is such a timely topic. Interest has been heightened as supply chain challenges intensify throughout the world. Minimally, we should [...]
Have a look at the award winners for SAP 2020.
Global technology leader SAP recently named LMA Consulting Group President, Lisa Anderson, as the 16th most influential in supply chain management and sustainability.