
Business & the Economy

Rapid Assessments for Success

If you are interested in profitable growth, start by focusing your eagle eye on making an honest assessment of your business. You must know where you stand to develop a successful path forward. Whether you want to grow, increase profit, accelerate working capital or create superior relationships with your [...]

Synthesize for Results

Today’s bombardment of ideas requires an ability to synthesize — to spot relevant connections and innovative combinations in manufacturing. We've talked about the ingredients required to have an Eagle Eye - how to rapidly spot key priorities and ensure results occur. There are so few people who put these [...]

2023-09-18T19:04:31-07:00April 25, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Your Presence

How we look, communicate and relate to people makes a statement about us that may have lasting results. Always start off on the right foot. I've discovered that as much as content and results are king, presence matters. First impressions can be paramount. Don't despair if you "missed your [...]

2023-09-19T13:07:29-07:00February 14, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Profit Drivers

The key to success isn't to think about profit but instead to think about profit drivers. What business isn't interested in profit? None I can think of - even non-profit businesses need to be concerned about whether they'll come out "a wash". I find that the key to success [...]

Leverage as a Multiplier

Excellent leverage opportunities are easy to overlook, and a powerful advantage for those who look for them. If you had the opportunity to make $1,000,000 with 100 hours of work or 10,000 hours of work, which would you choose?  It sounds like a no-brainer; however, if that’s true, why [...]

Which Social Network is the Best One for Getting Started?

Leverage Social Networks to Drive Business Results I’m frequently asked which social media tool is best for those who want to get started.  For manufacturing and distribution professionals, undoubtedly, it is Linked In!  One of the most recent statistics I’ve heard is that there are more than 259 million [...]

2023-09-19T12:00:02-07:00November 14, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: |

Eagle Eye Execution

In supply chain management and other industries that require collaboration, eagle eye execution is what you need to make it happen. In my experience as a global business consultant and former VP of Operations, I've yet to find a business that failed solely due to a poor strategy; however, [...]

2023-09-15T17:39:03-07:00October 30, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy, Project Management|Tags: , , , |
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