

Why The Little Things Matter

August 4, 2015 I dropped my phone last week which I've done many times before; however, this time it shattered. Thus, I had to use my insurance to get a replacement phone. I received my replacement phone and got everything working, and then I realized it wouldn't charge on [...]

2020-10-02T22:27:42-07:00August 4, 2015|Categories: I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , , , |

Innovation Tips from the APICS-IE Executive Panel & Networking Symposium

My APICS (#1 trade association for supply chain and operations management) chapter hosted an executive panel & networking symposium which was focused on the topic of innovation. Innovation is a critical topic! Problem solving and maintaining the status quo is no longer enough as customers expect more, regulations increase [...]

Pioneer of Supply Chain Employment

Bold ideas in employment may be counterintuitive but you have to be willing to fail to win big. I recently attended the Southern California Logistics & Supply Chain Summit hosted by the Center for Supply Chain & Logistics of the Drucker School of Management and the Inland Empire Economic [...]

Supply Chain Trends for Success

Keeping up on the latest supply chain trends can be invaluable for your career and your company success. I’ve never believed in “jumping on the latest bandwagon”, just to be in the cool crowd and to have the opportunity to work with the trendy topics. However, [...]

Leverage Supply Chain Trends for Success

The ability to see supply chain trends and capitalize on them can set you apart from competitors, no matter the size of your company. As the year winds down, it seems an opportune time to discuss supply chain management trends. I find that those clients that pay attention [...]

Innovation Does NOT Need to be the Next iPhone!

Published September 26, 2014 In today's Wall Street Journal, there is an article about Alan Turing who believed strongly in artificial intelligence and is one of the pioneers related to understanding the power of the computer. What I found compelling about the article was it's sub-title, "Today's biggest innovations [...]

2023-09-19T10:22:46-07:00September 26, 2014|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation|Tags: , , |

Innovation is a Must for Project Success

Projects often have a way of going from exciting ideas to abandoned ventures. Successful project management feeds off a culture of innovation to sustain projects all the way to the finish line. In today’s new normal business environment, innovation is a must for project success! Often, I hear my [...]

The Amazon Effect: Which Came First? Service or Product Offering?

Innovations in service and product delivery have heightened consumer expectations. In a business climate where yesterday’s strategies could dwindle customer satisfaction imaginative, bold ideas are vital. In today’s world, Amazon and mega distributors like Amazon have turned the way consumers purchase on its head!  Who knew Sunday deliveries would [...]

What can we learn from Amazon with service?

Amazon has led the way with customer service innovations. Companies have to meet and exceed these new standards to impress customers and retain their business. Amazon has certainly made a splash in recent years with out-of-the-box thinking in terms of customer service!  Who thought Sunday deliveries would be possible?  [...]

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