Earlier this week, I spoke to APICS Ventura County on the topic of SIOP (Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning).  It was a great conversation because it was really interactive with probing questions on not just the theory and concepts but how to “make it work” – the secret recipe to achieving results.  What became apparent while answering the questions is that it truly boils down to much, much more than aligning demand with supply or any of the technical aspects of SIOP.  Success results from collaboration and common sense with a dash of judgment thrown in at the right time. 

Later this week, I was at a client who wondered something similar about a completely different topic – how do we “make this happen”.  Again, technical concepts are important to start on the ‘right’ page and thinking through the best design / solution but without collaboration, common sense and judgment, nothing happens!  

One tip to implement this week: 

Try hard not to get buried in the technical concepts.  Do you know anyone that hides behind massive spreadsheets or complex processes?  Or, do you find yourself getting carried away with a cool new technology (regardless of the importance to results)?  Admit it – we all do!

Instead, success comes by remembering common sense.  What do you really need to do to get everyone in the loop?  As issues and potential roadblocks arise, think about what makes sense.  Forget about the complex formulas and overload of data.  Collaborate with your colleagues (not one person can achieve as much two or more people collaborating and trading ideas), and apply a healthy dose of judgment.  Results will follow. Learn more by reading our book, SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth.

August 11, 2017