
big data

The Value of Data in Fueling Profitable Growth

Companies are overwhelmed with data. There is ERP related data, global supply chain data, world economic data, industry and market data, customer and supplier data, email communications, and the list goes on.

Are You Rethinking Your Supply Chain Strategy?

Should you be rethinking your supply chain strategy? Absolutely! There is so much volatility going on in the world that you must reevaluate your supply chain.

Manufacturers Trending to Digital

According to the Hackett Group, 77% of companies have strengthened their commitment to digital transformation due to the COVID crisis. In fact, they are not only strengthening their commitment, but the pace of adoption is increasing. A McKinsey survey found that the pandemic has significantly accelerated the pace of [...]

Blockchain, IoT, AI, Big Data. Will Anything Stick?

Should I really invest time and resources into technologies I don't know will pay back? For example, there is a lot of conversation about the value (or lack thereof) with blockchain, IoT, AI and more. This concern continues to arise and is on every executive's mind.

2024-02-16T18:54:36-08:00October 21, 2019|Categories: ERP & Technology, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Power of BI (Business Intelligence)

In today's Amazon-impacted world, if you cannot make rapid yet effective decisions, you'll be left in the dust.

Data Mining for Dummies

Maneuvering in today’s fast-paced business environment requires actionable information, which data mining provides. Locate your data to make your next strategic move. As I've been putting together a SIOP (Sales, Inventory and Operations Planning) executive meeting presentation, it made me think about data mining. In this case, there is [...]

7 Hot ERP Systems Trends

Stay on top of hot ERP system trends to stay ahead of the competition. Those who make a concerted effort to identify and leverage emerging trends outperform their counterparts. As I want to make sure my clients are at the forefront of this path, I pay attention to emerging [...]

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