
global supply chain

Navigating the Global Supply Chain

October 13, 2016 Last week, I participated in the development of the Supply Chain Roadmap 2025.  It will result in a compilation of what more than 100 industry thought leaders had to say about the future of material handling and logistics.  It is quite an interesting process to take [...]

The Power of Students

October 7, 2016 Last week, while attending APICS 2016 in Washington DC, I was able to spend time with the West Coast student case competition's winning team, San Diego State University.  I am the Chair of the West Coast student case competition, and I was proud to see our [...]

Global is “In”

One of the reasons my global advisory board has been as valuable as its been is because it is global. We have people from the U.S., Australia and Japan with experiences from all around the world, and we are supported by a wider community with people from almost every [...]

The Importance of Global

July 13, 2016 Just returning from meeting with my global advisory board in Sydney, I happened to speak to the International Business Group of ProVisors yesterday on "Global Supply Chain Partners: Associations, Networks & Resources".  Thus, I've been thinking about the importance of international considerations - regardless of the [...]

Interest in Global Rises

In order to thrive in today’s business climate, executives have no choice but to get a global perspective. Leaders must find a way to stay on top of the trends, likely impacts and opportunities out there. Since we are a more inter-connected world that ever before, the interest in [...]

2023-09-16T19:31:08-07:00July 7, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

SIOP beyond Borders

In today’s interconnected business environment amplify SIOP’s reach and potential to include all supply chain partners, even globally. SIOP (Sales, Inventory & Operations Planning) is one method to align demand with supply while also aligning the various functions within an organization to deliver strategic objectives and maximize business value. [...]

The Impact of China’s Slowdown

January 18, 2016 It is somewhat of a coincidence that I've heard a few presentations about China recently (thanks to international attorney and China guru John Tulac as one of these experts) which synced up with the stock market plunge in China - and in the U.S. (and thus [...]

Why Ports Delays Could Cost Billions

I've been receiving an increased number of calls lately about impacts from the ports - some referred potential clients trying to figure out how to survive through the port slowdown to client concerns about components and equipment expected to come through the port to impacts on inventory costs and [...]

Why Care About Supply Chain Risk?

Businesses face many hurdles—some we can control and others we cannot. How we manage risk is what determines our success. As this topic came up frequently at the APICS 2013 conference and has affected almost every one of my clients in the last year in some manner, I thought [...]

Transportation Trends: Avoid Weak Links in Your Supply Chain

Stay on top of the latest transportation trends to avoid weak links in your supply chain. Five Transportation Trends I’ve recently spoken at and participated in a few transportation industry events, and was reminded of the importance of transportation trends to the supply chain, so I thought a recap [...]

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