

Market Selloff, Volatility & Whether Businesses are Prepared

You would have to be hiding under a rock to not hear that the market sold off. The S&P 500 sold off 3%; the Dow tumbled 1,000 points, and tech company leaders lost a combined $1 trillion intraday (recovering almost half later in the day).

Building Agility and Resilience for Business in 2024

In this episode of Interlinks, we delve into the heart of navigating through the unpredictable tides of global events and their profound impact on supply chains, discussing the imperative need for agility and resilience.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Addresses Increased Supply Chain Volatility Amidst Red Sea Tensions and Global Disruptions

The recent turmoil in the Red Sea, triggered by Houthi drone and missile attacks, has significantly amplified risks in global shipping, particularly affecting the Suez Canal and Red Sea routes.

Succeeding During Volatility: A Focus on the Fundamentals

Businesses, supply chain, and the world are experiencing disruption, volatility, and chaos. In this period of geo-political risk, interest rate spikes, fears of recession, labor shortages, and more, successful businesses will focus on the fundamentals.

Take Control of Your Manufacturing to Wrestle Volatility to the Ground

What is clear is that VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) is continuing in the forefront and will continue to be our "new normal". As I recently debated with the Wall Street Journal, we are in an era of non-stop disruptions. Look no further than the escalating war of Russia [...]

What Are Clients Experiencing in Today’s Business Environment?

Our clients continue to experience an unprecedented level of volatility and complexity. The common themes include: Continued supply chain disruptions: From computer chips to commodities to everyday components/ materials, clients continue to experience shortages and/or extended lead times. Continued challenges in finding people: Whether you are looking for a [...]

Resilient Supply Chain: At the Cross-Section of Success

Discover how integrating resilience into supply chain strategies leads to success amid market volatility and disruption.

What’s Ahead for Business?

Our most successful clients will be thinking about these trends to integrate into their strategy, their customer conversations and their employee and partner plans. Are you positioned to take advantage of the opportunities and avoid the risks?

Volatility is the New Norm

In today's new normal business environment, volatility is the new norm. Change is required to remain competitive or to become competitive. If you manage change better than your competition, you'll have the opportunity to leapfrog the competition. In the last several years, I've seen a multitude of examples of [...]

2023-08-25T17:32:41-07:00April 27, 2013|Categories: Change Management / Culture Change|Tags: , , |
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