
I’ve Been Thinking

Supply Chain Disruptions Have Become an Excuse

The issue is if we are running hand to mouth, any disruption can create chaos. Clearly, the pandemic created chaos upfront, but it has now become an excuse. It is quite clear that the global supply chain is out of alignment and will not magically realign itself. There are [...]

Lost Revenue Due to Lack of Resources: How to Attract People to Your Company

According to Interos, almost 90% of companies experienced a negative impact to revenue due to supply chain disruption. That is a BIG number! From our point-of-view, every client is complaining about the lack of critical resources required to support the business and has experienced negative impacts to revenue (even if only in terms of a delay to revenue recognition).

Interview with Industrial Insights on How SIOP Can Address Business Volatility

Volatility started with the pandemic and has been exacerbated by weather disruptions such as the Texas storms, labor shortages throughout the world, accidents such as the ship that got stuck in the Suez canal, and wars such as the Russia-Ukraine war. The bottom line is that demand volatility is [...]

2024-01-24T21:13:33-08:00April 6, 2022|Categories: I've Been Thinking, SIOP - S&OP, SIOP Planning & Execution|Tags: , , |

Interview with Quality Digest on the Supply Chain Chaos

Who knew supply chain would become a common term throughout the world in early 2020? It certainly has gained a household name during the pandemic, and it continues to be of paramount importance as further supply chain disruptions occur.
2023-09-19T22:31:55-07:00March 21, 2022|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Supply Chain|Tags: , |

Why Value Added Service Matters & an Eco Tour of Catalina

The new driver went over and beyond to make our trip extra special since we had to wait a few hours. He took us to places he doesn't usually go, made sure that we got airport cookies (a "thing" in Catalina) even though the staff already clocked out to catch a ride down the hill (and so gave them to us for free), and generally made it an interesting trip. Value added service mattered!
2023-09-17T15:45:18-07:00February 2, 2022|Categories: Customer Service, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Here’s to a Happy, Successful & Productive 2022

Happy New Year! First, let's start with a BIG THANK YOU to our clients, colleagues, partners, family and friends for a fabulous 2021. VERY hard to believe it is 2022. Here's to COVID phasing out quickly so we can get back to a more typical daily life. It is a time of hope and optimism for new opportunities in 2022. Are you ready to accelerate business and personal growth?
2023-09-19T19:49:38-07:00January 1, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Season’s Greetings From Lisa Anderson 2021

Note From Lisa I wanted to wish my clients, colleagues, family and friends a happy holiday season! I am with my aunt in the hospital. We are hoping she will be transferred to rehab today but I think we are waiting for a bed. It is her birthday as [...]

2023-08-20T22:30:42-07:00December 25, 2021|Categories: I've Been Thinking|

Looking at Supply Chain Heading into 2022

I will be speaking on a webinar for Today's Medical Developments, Aerospace Manufacturing & Design, and Today's e-Mobility on looking at the supply chain heading into 2022 (the webinars will be archived as well). Supply chain is the hot topic across the board. The answer is NO, supply chain [...]
2023-09-06T19:26:34-07:00November 16, 2021|Categories: I've Been Thinking, In The News, Supply Chain|Tags: , |

What Key Business Leaders Think Is Next

What do key business leaders think is next? That was the subject of one of the sessions at the premier conference for consultants. If you are a consultant and want to thrive (instead of having fits and starts as is the norm), this organization is a must! We gathered [...]

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