
Supply Chain Briefing

The Leadership Opportunity in Supply Chain

Supply chain is in a state of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). Whether you look at the impacts related to wars and chokepoints throughout the world, the uncertain economy and resulting backlogs, or the uncertainty of the reliability of key sources of supply [...]

Inventory Optimization In Full Focus in the Turbulent Economy

If you follow the stock market, you might think the economy is strong. As consumers, we are frustrated with the price of everyday supplies such as food, gas, and housing.

Disruptions Rage with CrowdStrike, Aerospace Shortages & Porsche

Volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) continues to rage and threaten manufacturers and supply chain chain organizations. The VUCA threshold skyrocketed during the pandemic, and it has not returned to normal.

Although Manufacturing Declined, the Smart are Planning for a Renaissance

According to the ISM, "The Manufacturing PMI", a measure of manufacturing activity, registered at 48.5% in June, which is a decline from 48.7% in May.

Disruption & Risk are the New Normal: Succeeding with Resilient Supply Chains

There is substantial geopolitical risk with China. Look no further than the South China Seas. Philippine officials say Chinese forces seized two naval boats in a disputed South China Sea shoal. A few days prior, a Philippine ship and a Chinese vessel collided. It is a risky situation in the South China Seas.

Challenges, Risks & Opportunities in E-Commerce & Logistics

In attending the Southern California E-Commerce & Logistics Summit, it is clear that focusing on global logistics as a system of systems is paramount (special shout out to Fran Inman for the use of her phrase). Not one link in the supply chain can succeed on its own.

Succeeding with Regional Manufacturing & Optimizing Supply Chain

The risk of China has increased dramatically over the years. Early on, executives were concerned about intellectual property theft. Although that is still a concern, there are much bigger issues.

Diversify to Thrive in Manufacturing & Supply Chain

If you are dependent on any region, non-friendly country, customer, supplier, material, or anything noteworthy to your success, you must diversify. Although this concept has always been true, the pandemic highlighted the critical importance. Some companies simply lost their source of supply overnight and have not recovered if not diversified.

UPS Wins USPS Business with Regional Approach

According to UPS's CEO, UPS’ network flexibility gave it an edge over FedEx in landing a deal with the U.S. Postal Service. Instead of following a hub-and-spoke model to service the USPS, UPS can use its regional gateways to support the local and regional requirements of the USPS customers.

Businesses & Manufacturing Are On the Move

According to The California Policy Center, 237 companies have left California since 2005. Most companies cited the expanding regulatory and taxation environment.

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