
supply chain

The Impact of Supply Chain Strategy

Effective supply chain strategic planning secures a competitive edge, ensuring efficiency, adaptability, and market leadership.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is Trending in Supply Chain

The transformative impact of IoT on supply chain trends, from real-time tracking to predictive analytics, shapes future operations.

Knee Deep in Options: Insourcing vs Outsourcing

There is a strategic shift towards insourcing. This is how businesses evaluate the insourcing vs outsourcing dilemma for operational excellence.

SIOP: How Far Should You Look into the Future?

SIOP guides strategic forecasting to determine the optimal horizon for planning and future-proofing your supply chain operations.

Rethinking Sourcing

Successful manufacturers are re-evaluating their outsourcing/ insourcing/ near-sourcing options. To remain competitive and have any hope of staying ahead of the curve, they are knee-deep in considering the options.

Fully Autonomous Vehicles Will Be Here by 2020

Autonomous vehicles seem to arise at every corner.  Last week, I heard a presentation on autonomous vehicles by the executive VP of Hyundai, and earlier this week, I participated on a panel at Future Ports Annual Conference with a Caltrans researcher on autonomous vehicles.  What is clear is that [...]

VMI – Supply Chain Collaboration on Steroids

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) revolutionizes supply chain collaboration, optimizing inventory management and partner relations.

VMI – What are the Benefits?

What are the strategic and tactical benefits of VMI for enhancing supply chain collaboration, increasing revenue, and improving service levels?
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