

Wisconsin Provides HUGE Incentives to Lure Apple Manufacturer

What might seem impossible to us might not be!  Do you tend to write off ideas before considering their full value?  Perhaps we should take a page from Wisconsin's playbook and look at the big picture, think long-term and mix it up a bit. 

Even The Best System Will Fail Without Talent

As an ERP expert, it is quite clear to me that even the best systems will fail miserably if they don't possess talent. Don't even bother to select and implement an ERP system if you don't have the "right" people on the bus. Start with executive support and continue on down through every position – everything is a team effort.

2024-06-14T23:28:17-07:00September 18, 2017|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , |

IBM, MIT & Artificial Intelligence

AI is on the rise. How is it affecting industries, what are the potential benefits? What questions should you consider to prepare for the future?

Why Executives Should Care About ERP Strategy

Lately, we've been called into several clients with ERP challenges that directly impact business growth and success.  Do you desire profitable growth?  If so, add ERP into your strategic discussions. Would you delegate a decision that could literally "make or break" your customer service, profit margins (or lack thereof) and ability to grow?  I think not! 

2024-02-27T22:44:36-08:00September 7, 2017|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , , |

Maybe Our Old System is Just Fine

We cannot tell you how many clients call thinking they need a new system to support their business when it isn't true!  Certainly there is a time to upgrade to a new system - when you've outgrown your old one (often-times QuickBooks with add-on's like Fishbowl), your old system is highly customized and unsustainable or you are in the midst of a merger or acquisition.

Emerging Technologies for Supply Chain

Emerging technologies in supply chain from e-commerce to robotics are more important now than ever.

Is Supply Chain Top of Mind?

A strategic focus on supply chain can dramatically influence your business's success, competitiveness, and resilience. Is it top of mind?

Technology – Should We Take It or Leave It?

Technology - should we take it or leave it? Its adoption has impacts on ROI, if strategically aligned with business goals.

Fully Autonomous Vehicles Will Be Here by 2020

Autonomous vehicles seem to arise at every corner.  Last week, I heard a presentation on autonomous vehicles by the executive VP of Hyundai, and earlier this week, I participated on a panel at Future Ports Annual Conference with a Caltrans researcher on autonomous vehicles.  What is clear is that [...]

Robots & Demographics

According to Industry Week and Moody's Investor Service, there could be a significant upside to robots with the near-term demographic time bomb in Japan and Germany.

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