

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Releases Supply Chain Profitability Assessment to Drive Customer Performance through Optimization and Efficiency

This cutting-edge tool prompts supply chain professionals, operations executives and senior leaders to introspect and critically assess various facets of their supply chains that affect customer performance, with a focus on flexibility and efficiency.

Leveraging ERP and related technologies for a diverse customer experience

Enterprise resource planning systems, CRMs and other tech such as RFID, barcoding, customer and supplier portals, blockchain, IoT, and GPS tracking all support this goal.

Win-Win Focus on the Customer and Costs

As companies are searching for ways to successfully navigate these turbulent times, the best ones are achieving a win-win focus on the customer and costs. Since the pandemic, there has been a heightened awareness of the customer experience as companies struggled with supply chain disruptions, delays, shortages, and the lack of resources.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Highlights Proactive Backlog Management as a Keystone for Elevating Customer Service in Manufacturing

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – November 20, 2023 –  In a business landscape characterized by unprecedented business volatility, maintaining stellar customer service emerges as a critical differentiator for companies navigating the ebbs and flows of the current market. Manufacturing and Supply Chain Consultant Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD and President of [...]

Does Customer Service Matter: Uber vs Taxis?

Prior to Uber, a medallion (a transferable permit that allows a taxi driver to operate) cost $1 million dollars in New York city. It was a powerful permit with substantial value. After Uber started up, the low point for a medallion was around $25,000. That is a 40-fold reduction [...]

SIOP / S&OP: Balance Customer Orders, Inventory, & Profitability

If you want to serve your key customers successfully (with high on-time-in-full (OTIF), short lead times, and proactive service) so that you can take advantage of the opportunities coming down the pike while addressing the hard realities of the current business environment (potential recessions, high interest rates, and less access to capital), you MUST balance sales, operations and inventory.

Labor Scheduling: How to Maximize Operational Effectiveness While Servicing Your Customer

At its simplest, labor scheduling is determining which people (and which skills) you should have at which sites at which work centers at what time (shift) to ensure the right products can be delivered to the right customer at the right time.

Upgrade CRM Processes & Software to Ensure a Superior Customer Experience

During times of volatility it is of paramount importance to stay in tune with your customers. Otherwise, you could set and execute strategies that are a waste of limited time, money, and resources as conditions evolve. We are seeing a great reset occur. Baby boomer owners of closely-held companies are selling.

Production Scheduling Best Practices Drive Increased Customer Service, Operational Efficiencies & Inventory Turns

Manufacturing has struggled to produce what customers want on-time without spending a fortune and tying up excess cash unnecessarily in the wrong, "just-in-case" inventory. It is a tough environment spiraling out of control with supply chain chaos.

Customer Service – The Customer is Always Right

NxtGen Nexus: The Importance of Customer Service "Employees follow people, not companies. Are you investing in leaders, and are your leaders leading?" comments Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc.
2024-02-13T22:47:56-08:00June 28, 2022|Categories: Customer Service / Sales, In The News|Tags: |
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